Electricity digital meter - two rate
These meters record two readings, one for Day and one for Night - for best results take your reading between 10am and 10pm. Here’s an example:

*If your meter doesn’t state: ‘Multirate Single Phase Watt Hour Meter’ along the top, refer to the Digital meter: single rate guide.
How to read a two rate digital meter
Take two readings – reading ‘1’ and ‘2’. The display will alternate between the two regularly and will show the reading number on the left-hand side.
Read the numbers from left to right
Include all numbers from the left to the right, including zeros
The ‘1’ or ‘2’ will flash. Note ‘1’ as the Day/Normal rate and ‘2’ as the Night/Low rate.
How to send your readings to us
By email – to SEUKL-Shell-Energy-Meter-Reads@shell.com
Any issues? Contact our team.