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The role of Power Purchase Agreements in decarbonising business

There has been increasing emphasis around the significance of power purchase agreements, or PPAs, in recent years. But what are they and how can they help businesses meet their electricity needs and progress their decarbonisation goals. Leah Timmins, Senior Originator at Shell Energy, explains more.

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Manufacturers working on turbines
Policy and regulation
09 Jul 20246 minutes
Following the consultation phase closing in June, this blog explores the UK Government's proposed structure for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and what it could mean for manufacturers.
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Colleagues holding a business meeting
Policy and regulation
17 Jun 20244 minutes
The government has updated the application process for its Energy Intensive Industries (EII) Exemption Relief Scheme. In this article, we explore the changes in further detail, confirm when they come into force and explain what they mean for major energy users.
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Aluminium plant with sheets of aluminium
01 May 20245 minutes
With its widespread use in products and technologies that are essential for decarbonising industries, aluminium is of key importance. Ulf Nahrath, VP of Energy Transition & Infrastructure at Shell, takes a closer look at both the challenges and opportunities for the industry in this Q&A.
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Colleagues discussing packaging
01 Mar 20245 minutes
Find out more from Jodie Eaton, Shell Energy UK's CEO, as she examines the complexities of decarbonising the diverse packaging sector.
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Meeting with colleagues in an office
Energy explained
14 Feb 20245 minutes
The right procurement strategy can help you to manage energy costs and minimise risk. Here we look at some of the best ways to navigate this potentially complex area and get the most value from your business energy spend.
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Colleagues in a business meeting
Energy market
09 Jan 20245 minutes
In this article, Jodie Eaton, CEO of Shell Energy UK, digs deeper into what’s ahead and considers how major energy users can take advantage of available opportunities.
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Business meeting with colleagues card
Policy and regulation
10 Aug 202310 minutes
Here, we examine the latest developments relating to the British Industry Supercharger scheme and consider the options raised ahead of the consultation concluding on 24th August.
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Negotiations card image
Energy explained
03 Jul 20238 minutes
Craig Spencer, Industrial & Commercial Business Development Manager at Shell Energy, explains how to navigate the numerous options and find one that’s right for you.
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Aerial view of wind turbine Card image
Energy market
Find out more about the Green Gas Levy and what it means for business energy consumers.
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