Renewing your contract

If you move premises

Our Deemed Rates will apply when you move into premises where we're the existing supplier and you haven't yet agreed a fixed term contract with us.

We'll contact you with options to move to one of our other price plans or an alternative that’s suitable for your business. 

You can get a better deal by getting in touch with us. Call 0330 088 2679 or email We’re available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

If your fixed term contract ends

If you have a fixed term plan, you'll receive a renewal reminder around 60 days before it's due to end explaining your options. This should include your current prices, new prices and annual energy consumption to make comparisons easier.

You will be placed on our Extended Supply Rates if your fixed term contract with us comes to an end and you haven't agreed a renewal with us or provided a termination notice.

We can help you renew with us or switch energy supplier. To discuss a new fixed term contract, call 0330 088 2679 or email We’re available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you want to end your contract with us

To cancel your plan without charge, you'll need to wait until the contract end date.

Your leaving notice should be confirmed within five working days of receipt. It can take up to 21 days to switch energy suppliers, although in most cases it’s earlier. You can request a later start date if you want to. 

Please get in touch to discuss your options. Call 0330 088 2679 or email We’re available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Will my fixed prices change during my contract term?

If you’ve chosen a fixed price contract, prices are fixed for the contract duration unless there are any changes outside of our control. These might include:

  • providing false or incorrect information

  • any changes in supply, metering, law, regulation, industry arrangements

  • the actions of a government body, regulator or third party

  • any change in the structure or calculation of third party charges. 

If this happens we may vary your prices or pass these on to you and notify you in writing.