Shell Energy BusinessSupport for your businessEnergy efficiency advice for your business

Energy efficiency advice for your business

Save money through reduction

How does your business make the transition to a low-carbon energy future and save money? Here’s how to save money and reach your zero carbon corporate goals through reduced energy consumption. 

Where can I access advice?

Shell Energy can guide you through the switch to 100% renewable electricity and gas.

At Shell Energy, we can offer 100% renewable electricity and gas, alongside tailored cleaner energy options to businesses across Great Britain.

Our renewable energy is backed by UK-certified renewable certificates of origin, which means that any renewable energy you buy from us is matched with the equivalent amount of units from 100% renewable sources.

Just contact our team to find out more.

You can also access independent advice for your business from the following organisations:

Carbon Trust

Energy Saving Trust

Tax efficiency for green energy products

The UK government provides environmental taxes, reliefs and schemes for businesses when you buy energy saving appliances and make greener choices for your business. 

Conscious energy consumption

Small behavioural changes like turning off computers, printers and other equipment when they’re not in use may seem like small changes but can make a big difference. 

Replacing your lights with LED or energy-efficient lightbulbs require an upfront investment but are effective ways to save money in the long term. Turn off lights when not in use or install occupancy sensors to enjoy more savings through reduction.

There’s more information about how you can save energy on the Carbon Trust website. 

Working from home? An ideal time to lower emissions

All companies have had to adjust to new ways of working during COVID-19. When before employees might have booked a flight or train ticket to get to an important meeting, it’s been necessary to hold that meeting via video call. For many companies, utilising technology this way will continue for a long time to come. 

Work with employees and give them incentives to work towards to lower their energy consumption whilst they are working from their home offices. Explain that the new way of working is great for the environment, saving money and hitting your companies lower carbon emissions goals. Less employees working from the office means less lighting, heating and energy being used.

Use solar panels

Renewable energy such as solar power is free, clean and good for the environment, helping you reach your carbon zero corporate goals and keep electricity costs down. 

The price of installing solar panels is offset by the money saved on energy over the years. They’re long lasting and easy to maintain. 

Get in touch with us to learn more about installing solar panels.

Install skylights

Artificial lights use lots of energy, while skylights provide free natural lighting. Try to make the best use of natural day light and only use artificial lights in areas which are dark. 

Invest in carbon projects

Invest in carbon projects such as tree planting or reforestation. This is a great way to get employees engaged in the company’s carbon zero corporate goals. 

We work with the Carbon Footprint Hub (coming soon), powered by Shell, to link customers with carbon offsetting initiatives that help meet their objectives. Contact us to find out more

Get an energy audit

Getting an energy audit company to carry out an audit of the energy used in your sites can help you identify where you can save money through reduction.

Shell’s Distributed Energy team offers a simplified ‘one-stop shop’ tailored approach to upgrading your energy infrastructure, reducing your total annual energy spend and meeting your renewable energy goals – find out more.  

Seal off any drafts

Small drafts in a building can mean a lot of warm air is lost. Make sure the building is properly sealed to keep this to a minimum and positively impact your heating costs.

Upgrade your old equipment

Take into consideration things you can do to save money through energy saving equipment. 

Although spending money on new equipment like laptops, heaters and air conditioners will cost money upfront, many newer electronic devices are built with energy saving in mind and will save you money in the long run. 

Over a year, a laptop will generally use 85% less electricity than a desktop PC and could save you up to £17 per year. With more employees than ever working on laptops from home, this could add up to big savings.   

Find more information on the Carbon Trust website. 

Programme thermostats

Using smart thermostats with timers on them means you can make sure offices and sites are heated and cooled only when they’re in use, saving valuable energy when buildings are not in use.

Find out more about upgrading your business infrastructure.  

Is your business ESOS compliant?

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the UK that meet the qualification criteria

Let us know if you need a hand guiding you through the relevant legislation for your business or organisation to ensure you are compliant.