Gas emergency

If you can smell burning, see fire or arcing or there are carbon monoxide fumes

Call 0800 111 999 for free 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you:

  • Smell gas

  • Think you have a gas leak

  • Are worried about carbon monoxide fumes

In the event of a gas emergency


  • Open doors and windows manually to allow ventilation (if the smell is indoors)

  • Turn off gas at the emergency control valve by the meter, if accessible – normally turned off when the handle is at right angles to the pipe

  • Avoid or put out any naked flames safely. 


  • Open electrical security entry doors or locks

  • Turn any electrical switches on or off 

  • Use mobile phones

  • Turn on any gas appliances

  • Smoke

  • Strike any matches or do anything that could ignite the gas.